Data Science and Data Proicessing

5 Underrated Apps for Programmers You Should Use Right Now

Here are some tools you should have under your belt, even if you’ve never heard of them!

Jul 6 · 6 min read


It’s ironic how developers use a plethora of apps and software to make…apps and software. Over time, we have developed strong preferences over a select few tools as part of their workflow. However, just because some pieces of software have become the norm that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t always be on the lookout for others! Here are some of the most underrated yet insanely useful apps that I’ve tried to use on a daily basis, and that I think you should use too!

Table of Contents

  1. Ungit
  2. Termius
  3. Alacritty
  4. Byobu
  5. Spacedesk

1. Ungit

It is notoriously difficult to manage your Git repository through the command line interface — everyone knows that for a fact. And when you have a project open with 20 or so different branches, it’s hard to keep up with recent commits through all of them, let alone follow a branching model. Even worse are beginners trying to use Git for their first time to perform version control; a CLI can’t let users comprehend what Git really is supposed to be.

Ungit solves all of these issues with an intuitive GUI for managing Git repos.

Ungit represents your repo like a spider web of commits and branches. Here’s what it’ll look like in action:

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A quick look into ungit
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Creating a new commit in ungit
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Switching (Checking out) between different branches in the same repo in ungit

2. Termius

It’s quarantine time (at least at the time of writing this), so everybody is reasonably working from home. What if you need to access a computer or server at your workplace? Well, you would SSH into the server, giving yourself access to the terminal on that machine. Although this is doable with a simple ssh command, why not do it in style with Termius?

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Running `sl`, on a remote server, on Termius 😎
Customization options for Termius

3. Alacritty

Talking about terminals, Alacritty would be my go-to local terminal emulator. It is supported in Windows, macOS, and many linux distributions. One of the best selling points of Alacritty is its support for GPU acceleration. Because of this, the makers of the terminal emulator boast blazing fast performance compared to alternatives.

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4. Byobu

This isn’t technically an app or piece of software, but I felt compelled to feature it in this article because I’ve personally used this so much in my workflow. It’s a terminal multiplexer & window manager— in fact, it’s actually a wrapper over tmux and/or GNU screen, which are multiplexers you might’ve heard of. If you’re either working on a remote server (on Termius 😉) or find yourself frequently opening multiple terminal windows on your own machine, Byobu is definitely for you.

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Using Byobu to handle terminal sessions/instances in one place
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Byobu’s default status bar
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Splitting panes in Byobu

5. Spacedesk


That’s about it for some underrated apps/software you should start using today! If you have thoughts or some alternatives to ones I’ve listed feel free to let me know and start a conversation below. As always, happy coding, everybody!


🔝Top 29 Useful Python Snippets 🔝That Save You Time

Here are my favorite 29 Python snippets that actually save me time as a developer

Top 29 Useful Python Snippets That Save You Time
Source: Pixabay

Python is one of the most popular languages ​​used by many in data science and machine learning, web development, scripting, automation, and more. One of the reasons for this popularity is its simplicity and ease of learning.

If you are reading this, you are most likely already using Python, or at least interested in it.

In this article, we’ll take a quick look at 29 short code snippets that you can understand and master incredibly quickly. Go!

👉 1. Checking for uniqueness

The next method checks if there are duplicate items in the given list. It uses a property set()that removes duplicate items from the list:

👉 2. Anagram

This method can be used to check if two strings are anagrams. An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase, usually using all the original letters exactly once:

👉 3. Memory

And this can be used to check the memory usage of an object:

👉 4. Size in bytes

The method returns the length of the string in bytes:

👉 5. Print the string N times

This snippet can be used to output a string nonce without the need to use loops for this:

👉 6. Makes the first letters of words large

And here is the register. The snippet uses a method title()to capitalize each word in a string:

👉 7. Separation

This method splits the list into smaller lists of the specified size:

👉 8. Removing false values

So you remove the false values ( False, None, 0and «») from the list using filter():

👉 9. Counting

The following code can be used to transpose a 2D array:

👉 10. Chain comparison

You can do multiple comparisons with all kinds of operators in one line:

👉 11. Separate with comma

The following snippet can be used to convert a list of strings to a single string, where each item from the list is separated by commas:

👉 12. Count the vowels

This method counts the number of vowels (“a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, “u”) found in the string:

👉 13. Converting the first letter of a string to lowercase

Use to convert the first letter of your specified string to lowercase:

👉 14. Anti-aliasing

The following methods flatten out a potentially deep list using recursion:

👉 15. Difference

The method finds the difference between the two iterations, keeping only the values ​​that are in the first:

👉 16. The difference between lists

The following method returns the difference between the two lists after applying this function to each element of both lists:

👉 17. Chained function call

You can call multiple functions on one line:

👉 18. Finding Duplicates

This code checks to see if there are duplicate values ​​in the list using the fact that set()it only contains unique values:

👉 19. Combine two dictionaries

The following method can be used to combine two dictionaries:

👉 20. Convert two lists to a dictionary

Now let’s get down to converting two lists into a dictionary:

👉 21. Using `enumerate`

The snippet shows what you can use enumerate()to get both values ​​and indices of lists:

👉 22. Time spent

Use to calculate the time it takes for a specific code to run:

👉 23. Try / else

You can use elseas part of a block try:

👉 24. The element that appears most often

This method returns the most frequent item that appears in the list:

👉 25. Palindrome

The method checks if the given string is a palindrome:

👉 26. Calculator without if-else

The following snippet shows how to write a simple calculator without the need for conditions if-else:

👉 27. Shuffle

This code can be used to randomize the order of items in a list. Note that shuffleworks in place and returns None:

👉 28. Change values

A really quick way to swap two variables without the need for an extra one:

👉 29. Get default value for missing keys

The code shows how you can get the default value if the key you are looking for is not included in the dictionary:

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You are telling people that you are a Python beginner if you ask this question.

Aug 2 · 5 min read

A few days ago when I browsed the “learnpython” sub on Reddit, I saw a Redditor asking this question again. Although there are too many answers and explanations about this question on the Internet, many beginners still do not know about it and make mistakes. Here is the question

What is the difference between “==” and “is”?

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Photo by Rohit Farmer on Unsplash

Both “==” and “is” are operators in Python(Link to operator page in Python). For beginners, they may interpret “a == b” as “a is equal to b” and “a is b” as, well, “a is b”. Probably this is the reason why beginners confuse “==” and “is” in Python.

I want to show some examples of using “==” and “is” first before the in-depth discussion.

>>> a = 5
>>> b = 5
>>> a == b
>>> a is b

Simple, right? a == b and a is b both return True. Then go to the next example.

>>> a = 1000
>>> b = 1000
>>> a == b
>>> a is b

WTF ?!? The only change from the first example to the second is the values of a and b from 5 to 1000. But the results already differ between “==” and “is”. Go to the next one.

>>> a = []
>>> b = []
>>> a == b
>>> a is b

Here is the last example if your mind is still not blown.

>>> a = 1000
>>> b = 1000
>>> a == b
>>> a is b
>>> a = b
>>> a == b
>>> a is b

The official operation for “==” is equality while the operation for “is” is identity. You use “==” for comparing the values of two objects. “a == b” should be interpreted as “The value of a is whether equal to the value of b”. In all examples above, the value of a is always equal to the value of b (even for the empty list example). Therefore “a == b” is always true.

Before explaining identity, I need to first introduce id function. You can get the identity of an object with idfunction. This identity is unique and constant for this object throughout the time. You can think of this as an address for this object. If two objects have the same identity, their values must be also the same.

>>> id(a)

The operator “is” is to compare whether the identities of two objects are the same. “a is b” means “The identity of a is the same as the identity of b”.

Once you know the actual meanings of “==” and “is”, we can start going deep on those examples above.

First is the different results in the first and second examples. The reason for showing different results is that Python stores an array list of integers from -5 to 256 with a fixed identity for each integer. When you assign a variable of an integer within this range, Python will assign the identity of this variable as the one for the integer inside the array list. As a result, for the first example, since the identities of a and b are both obtained from the array list, their identities are of course the same and therefore a is bis True.

>>> a = 5
>>> id(a)
>>> b = 5
>>> id(b)

But once the value of this variable falls outside this range, since Python inside does not have an object with that value, therefore Python will create a new identity for this variable and assign the value to this variable. As said before, the identity is unique for each creation, therefore even the values of two variables are the same, their identities are never equal. That’s why a is bin the second example is False

>>> a = 1000
>>> id(a)
>>> b = 1000
>>> id(b)

(Extra: if you open two consoles, you will get the same identity if the value is still within the range. But of course, this is not the case if the value falls outside the range.)

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Once you understand the difference between the first and second examples, it is easy to understand the result for the third example. Because Python does not store the “empty list” object, so Python creates one new object and assign the value “empty list”. The result will be the same no matter the two lists are empty or with identical elements.

>>> a = [1,10,100,1000]
>>> b = [1,10,100,1000]
>>> a == b
>>> a is b
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)

Finally, we move on to the last example. The only difference between the second and the last example is that there is one more line of code a = b.However this line of code changes the destiny of the variable a. The below result tells you why.

>>> a = 1000
>>> b = 2000
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> a = b
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> a
>>> b

As you can see, after a = b, the identity of a changes to the identity of b. a = bassigns the identity of bto a. So both aand b have the same identity, and thus the value of a now is the same as the value of b, which is 2000.

The last example tells you an important message that you may accidentally change the value of an object without notice, especially when the object is a list.

>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> id(a)
>>> b = a
>>> id(b)
>>> a.append(4)
>>> a
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> b
[1, 2, 3, 4]

From the above example, because both a and bhave the same identity, their values must be the same. And thus after appending a new element to a, the value of bwill be also impacted. To prevent this situation, if you want to copy the value from one object to another object without referring to the same identity, the one for all method is to use deepcopyin the module copy (Link to Python document). For list, you can also perform by b = a[:] .

>>> import copy
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b= copy.deepcopy(a)
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)

Using [:]for copying elements to a new variable

>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> id(a)
>>> b = a[:]
>>> id(b)
>>> a.append(4)
>>> a
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> b
[1, 2, 3]

I hope now you can understand the difference between the two and you will not be a beginner again for asking this question.

Scikit-Learn (Python): 6 Useful Tricks for Data Scientists

Tricks to improve your machine learning models in Python with scikit-learn (sklearn)

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Scikit-learn (sklearn) is a powerful open source machine learning library built on top of the Python programming language. This library contains a lot of efficient tools for machine learning and statistical modeling, including various classification, regression, and clustering algorithms.

In this article, I will show 6 tricks regarding the scikit-learn library to make certain programming practices a bit easier.

1. Generate random dummy data

To generate random ‘dummy’ data, we can make use of the function in case of classification data, and function in case of regression data. This is very useful in some cases when debugging or when you want to try out certain things on a (small) random data set.

Below, we generate 10 classification data points consisting of 4 features (found in X) and a class label (found in y), where the data points belong to either the negative class (0) or the positive class (1):

Here, X consists of the 4 feature columns for the generated data points:

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And y contains the corresponding label of each data point:

2. Impute missing values

Scikit-learn offers multiple ways to impute missing values. Here, we consider two approaches. The class provides basic strategies for imputing missing values (through the mean or median for example). A more sophisticated approach the class, which provides imputation for filling in missing values using the K-Nearest Neighbors approach. Each missing value is imputed using values from the nearest neighbors that have a value for the particular feature. The values of the neighbors are averaged uniformly or weighted by distance to each neighbor.

Below, we show an example application using both imputation methods:

>>> 2.21298305

Transform X[1, 2] to a missing value:

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First we make use of the simple imputer:

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Resulting in a value of -0.143476.

Next, we try the KNN imputer, where the 2 nearest neighbors are considered and the neighbors are weighted uniformly:

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Resulting in a value of 0.997105 (= 0.5*(1.904188+0.090022)).

3. Make use of Pipelines to chain multiple steps together

The Pipeline tool in scikit-learn is very helpful to simplify your machine learning models. Pipelines can be used to chain multiple steps into one, so that the data will go through a fixed sequence of steps. Thus, instead of calling every step separately, the pipeline concatenates all steps into one system. To create such a pipeline, we make use of the function.

Below, a simple example is shown, where the pipeline consists of an imputer, which imputes missing values (if there are any), and a logistic regression classifier.

Now, we can use the pipeline to fit our training data and to make predictions for the test data. First, the training data goes through to imputer, and then it starts training using the logistic regression classifier. Then, we are able to predict the classes for our test data:

4. Save a Pipeline model using joblib

Pipeline models created through scikit-learn can easily be saved by making use of joblib. In case your model contains large arrays of data, each array is stored in a separate file. Once saved locally, one can easily load (or, restore) their model for use in new applications.

Now, the fitted pipeline model is saved (dumped) on your computer through . This model is restored through , and can be applied as usual afterwards:

5. Plot a confusion matrix

A confusion matrix is a table that is used to describe the performance of a classifier on a set of test data. Here, we focus on a binary classification problem, i.e., there are two possible classes that observations could belong to: “yes” (1) and “no” (0).

Let’s create an example binary classification problem, and display the corresponding confusion matrix, by making use of the function:

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Here, we have visualized in a nice way through the confusion matrix that there are:

  • 93 true positives (TP);
  • 97 true negatives (TN);
  • 3 false positives (FP);
  • 7 false negatives (FN).

So, we have reached an accuracy score of (93+97)/200 = 95%.

6. Visualize decision trees

One of the most well known classification algorithms is the decision tree, characterized by its tree-like visualizations which are very intuitive. The idea of a decision tree is to split the data into smaller regions based on the descriptive features. Then, the most commonly occurring class amongst training observations in the region to which the test observation belongs is the prediction. To decide how the data is split into regions, one has to apply a splitting measure to determine the relevance and importance of each of the features. Some well known splitting measures are Information Gain, Gini index and Cross-entropy.

Below, we show an example on how to make use of the function in scikit-learn:

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In this example, we are fitting a decision tree on 40 training observations, that belong to either the negative class (0) or the positive class (1), so we are dealing with a binary classification problem. In the tree, we have two kinds of nodes, namely internal nodes (nodes where the predictor space is split further) or terminal nodes (end point). The segments of the trees that connect two nodes are called branches.

Let‘s have a closer look at the information provided for each node in the decision tree:

  • The splitting criterion used in the particular node is shown as e.g. ‘F2 <= -0.052’. This means that every data point that satisfies the condition that the value of the second feature is below -0.052 belongs to the newly formed region to the left, and the data points that do not satisfy the condition belong to the region to the right of the internal node.
  • The Gini index is used as splitting measure here. The Gini index (called a measure of impurity) measures the degree or probability of a particular element being wrongly classified when it is randomly chosen.
  • The ‘samples’ of the node indicates how many training observations are found in the particular node.
  • The ‘value’ of the node indicates the number of training observations found in the negative class (0) and the positive class (1) respectively. So, value=[19,21] means that 19 observations belong to the negative class and 21 observations belong to the positive class in that particular node.


This article covered 6 useful scikit-learn tricks to improve your machine learning models in sklearn. I hope these tricks have helped you in some way, and I wish you good luck on your next project when making use of the scikit-learn library!

New Features in Python 3.9

A look at the best features included in the latest iteration of Python

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Photo by Pablo Guerrero on Unsplash

It’s that time again, a new version of Python is imminent. Now in beta (3.9.0b3), we will soon be seeing the full release of Python 3.9.

Some of the newest features are incredibly exciting, and it will be amazing to see them used after release. We’ll cover the following:

  • Dictionary Union Operators
  • Type Hinting
  • Two New String Methods
  • New Python Parser — this is very cool

Let’s take a first look at these new features and how we use them.

(Versione in Italiano)

Dictionary Unions

One of my favorite new features with a sleek syntax. If we have two dictionaries a and b that we need to merge, we now use the union operators.

We have the merge operator |:

a = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}
b = {4: 'd', 5: 'e'}
c = a | b

[Out]: {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd', 5: 'e'}

And the update operator |=, which updates the original dictionary:

a = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}
b = {4: 'd', 5: 'e'}
a |= b

[Out]: {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd', 5: 'e'}

If our dictionaries share a common key, the key-value pair in the second dictionary will be used:

a = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 6: 'in both'}
b = {4: 'd', 5: 'e', 6: 'but different'}
print(a | b)

[Out]: {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 6: 'but different', 4: 'd', 5: 'e'}

Dictionary Update with Iterables

Another cool behavior of the |= operator is the ability to update the dictionary with new key-value pairs using an iterable object — like a list or generator:

a = {'a': 'one', 'b': 'two'}
b = ((i, i**2) for i in range(3))
a |= b

[Out]: {'a': 'one', 'b': 'two', 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4}

If we attempt the same with the standard union operator | we will get a TypeError as it will only allow unions between dict types.

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Type Hinting

Python is dynamically typed, meaning we don’t need to specify datatypes in our code.

This is okay, but sometimes it can be confusing, and suddenly Python’s flexibility becomes more of a nuisance than anything else.

Since 3.5, we could specify types, but it was pretty cumbersome. This update has truly changed that, let’s use an example:

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No type hinting (left) v type hinting with 3.9 (right)

In our add_int function, we clearly want to add the same number to itself (for some mysterious undefined reason). But our editor doesn’t know that, and it is perfectly okay to add two strings together using + — so no warning is given.

What we can now do is specify the expected input type as int. Using this, our editor picks up on the problem immediately.

We can get pretty specific about the types included too, for example:

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Type hinting can be used everywhere — and thanks to the new syntax, it now looks much cleaner:

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We specify sum_dict’s argument as a dict and the returned value as an int. During test definition, we also determine it’s type.

String Methods

Not as glamourous as the other new features, but still worth a mention as it is particularly useful. Two new string methods for removing prefixes and suffixes have been added:

"Hello world".removeprefix("He")

[Out]: "llo world"

Hello world".removesuffix("ld")

[Out]: "Hello wor"

New Parser

This one is more of an out-of-sight change but has the potential of being one of the most significant changes for the future evolution of Python.

Python currently uses a predominantly LL(1)-based grammar, which in turn can be parsed by a LL(1) parser — which parses code top-down, left-to-right, with a lookahead of just one token.

Now, I have almost no idea of how this works — but I can give you a few of the current issues in Python due to the use of this method:

  • Python contains non-LL(1) grammar; because of this, some parts of the current grammar use workarounds, creating unnecessary complexity.
  • LL(1) creates limitations in the Python syntax (without possible workarounds). This issue highlights that the following code simply cannot be implemented using the current parser (raising a SyntaxError):
with (open("a_really_long_foo") as foo,
open("a_really_long_bar") as bar):
  • LL(1) breaks with left-recursion in the parser. Meaning particular recursive syntax can cause an infinite loop in the parse tree. Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, explains this here.

All of these factors (and many more that I simply cannot comprehend) have one major impact on Python; they limit the evolution of the language.

The new parser, based on PEG, will allow the Python developers significantly more flexibility — something we will begin to notice from Python 3.10 onwards.

That is everything we can look forward to with the upcoming Python 3.9. If you really can’t wait, the most recent beta release — 3.9.0b3 — is available here.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out via Twitter or in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!

If you enjoyed this article and want to learn more about some of the lesser-known features in Python, you may be interested in my previous article:

No More Basic Plots Please

A Quick Guide to Upgrade Your Data Visualizations using Seaborn and Matplotlib

Sep 2 · 4 min read

“If I see one more basic blue bar plot…”

After completing the first module in my studies at Flatiron School NYC, I started playing with plot customizations and design using Seaborn and Matplotlib. Much like doodling during class, I started coding other styled plots in our jupyter notebooks.

After reading this article, you’re expected to have at least one quick styled plot code in mind for every notebook.

No more default, store brand, basic plots, please!

If you can do nothing else, use Seaborn.

You have five seconds to make a decent looking plot or the world will implode; use Seaborn!

Seaborn, which is build using Matplotlib can be an instant design upgrade. It automatically assigns the labels from your x and y values and a default color scheme that’s less… basic. ( — IMO: it rewards good, clear, well formatted column labeling and through data cleaning) Matplotlib does not do this automatically, but also does not ask for x and y to be defined at all times depending on what you are looking to plot.

Here are the same plots, one using Seaborn and one Matplotlib with no customizations.

Seaborn — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Matplotlib

Style it from the top

Depending on the data you are visualizing, changing the style and backgrounds may increase interpretability and readability. You can carry this style throughout by implementing a style at the top of your code.

There is a whole documentation page on styline via Matplotlib.

Styling can be as simple as setting the style with a simple line of code after your imported libraries. GGPlot changed the background to grey, and has a specific font. There are many more styles you can tryout.

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Using plot styling, Matplotlib (top) Seaborn (bottom) Notice that Seaborn automatically labeled the plot.

XKCD; a cheeky little extra

Fun. Not professional. But so fun.

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Be aware that if you use this XKCD style it will continue until you reset the defaults by running plt.rcdefaults()…


- Seaborn single color names. These can also be used in Matplot Lib. Image from

Make your plots engaging. Color theory comes into play here. Seaborn has a mix of palettes which can also be used in Matplot lib, plus you can also make your own.

Single Colors: One and Done

  • Above is a list of single color names you can call to change lines, scatter plots, and more.

Lazy? Seaborn’s Default Themes

  • has six variations of default
  • deep, muted, pastel, bright, dark, and colorblind
  • use color as an argument after passing in x, y, and data
  • color = ‘colorblind’

Work Smarter Not Harder: Pre-Fab Palettes

color_palette() accepts any seaborn palette or matplotlib colormap

  • Personal favorites are ‘magma’ and ‘viridis’

Control Freak? Custom Palettes / Using Hex Codes

  • pretty_colors = [“#FF4653”, “#EE7879”,“#DDEDF4”, “#2A3166”]
  • pass in hex codes which can be found online
  • create a kind and add in specifics, play around with the parameters for more customized palettes
Many ways to choose a color palette.

Everything Should Have a Label

Here we are using Matplotlib, but we have added a single color for each line, a title, x and y labels, and a legend for clear concise interpretation.

Every variable has a home, and it sparks joy now, right? — Think how would Marie Kondo code.

Simple, but clear.

Overall, pretty simple right? Well, now you have no excuses for those ugly basic plots. I hope you found this helpful and mayb a little bit fun. There’s so much more on color and design in the documentation, so once you’ve mastered these quick tips, dive in on the documentation below!

Enjoy? Let’s be friends. Follow me on GitHub, Instagram, and Medium

Today’s Data by Corey Schaffer: Developer Salaries Data




Other Resources:

XKCD in Matplotlib

The Definitive Data Scientist Environment Setup

Two Data Scientists at work
Two Data Scientists at work

Intro and motivation

In this post I would like to describe in detail our setup and development environment (hardware & software) and how to get it, step by step.

  • Most libraries just work out of the box with little extra configuration.
  • Allows to cover the full spectrum of Data related tasks, from Small to Big Data, and from standard Machine Learning models to Deep Learning prototyping.
  • Do not need to break your bank account to buy expensive hardware and software.


Your laptop should have:

  • A powerful processor. At least an Intel i5 or i7 with 4 cores. It will save you a lot of time while processing data for obvious reasons.
  • A NVIDIA GPU of at least 4GB of RAM. Only if you need to prototype or fine-tune simple Deep Learning models. It will be orders of magnitude faster than almost any CPU for that task. Remember that you can’t train serious Deep Learning models from scratch in a laptop.
  • A good cooling system. You are going to run workloads for at least hours. Make sure your laptop can handle it without melting.
  • A SSD of at least 256GB should be enough.
  • Possibility to upgrade its capabilities, like adding a bigger SSD, more RAM, or easily replace battery.
david-laptop specs
david-laptop specs
Lenovo Thinkpad P52
Lenovo Thinkpad P52
  • You will suffer a terrible vendor lock-in, which means a huge cost to change to other alternative.
  • You can’t have a NVIDIA GPU, so forget about Deep Learning prototyping in your laptop.
  • Can not upgrade its hardware as it is soldered to the motherboard. In case you need more RAM, you have to buy a new laptop.

Operating System

Our go-to operating system for Data Science is the latest LTS (Long Term Support) of Ubuntu. At the time of writing this post, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is the latest.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • As you are going to be working with Data, security must be at the core of your setup. Linux is by default, more secure than Windows or OS X, and as it is used by a minority of people, most malicious software is not designed to run on Linux.
  • It is the most used Linux distro, both for desktops and servers, with a great and supportive community. When you find something is not working well, it will be easier to get help or find info about how to fix it.
  • Most servers are Linux based, and you probably want to deploy your code in those servers. The closer you are to the environment you are going to deploy to production, the better. This is one of the main reasons to use Linux as your platform.
  • It has a great package manager you can use to install almost everything.
Uncheck third-party software while installation
Uncheck third-party software while installation

NVIDIA Drivers

NVIDIA Linux support has been one of the complaints of the community for years. Remember that famous:

Linus Torvalds talking about NVIDIA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-440
NVIDIA X Server Settings
NVIDIA X Server Settings


While default GNOME Terminal is OK, I prefer using Terminator, a powerful terminal emulator which allows you to split the terminal window vertically ctr + shift + e and horizontally ctr + shift + o, as well as broadcasting commands to several terminals at the same time. This is useful to setup various servers or a cluster.

sudo apt install terminator


VirtualBox is a software that allows you to run virtually other machines inside your current operating system session. You can also run different operating systems (Windows inside Linux, or the other way around).

sudo apt install virtualbox

Python, R and more (with Miniconda)

Python is already included with Ubuntu. But you should never use system Python or install your analytics libraries system-wide. You can break system Python doing that, and fixing it is hard.

  • Miniconda: includes just conda package manager. You still have access to all existing libraries through conda or pip, but those libraries will be downloaded and installed when they are needed. Go with this option, as it will save you time and memory.
# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
__conda_setup="$('/home/david/miniconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
eval "$__conda_setup"
if [ -f "/home/david/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
. "/home/david/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/"
export PATH="/home/david/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"
unset __conda_setup
# <<< conda initialize <<<
conda help
conda install -c conda-forge conda-pack


Jupyter is a must for a Data Scientist, for developments where you need an interactive programming environment.

conda create -n jupyter_env
conda activate jupyter_env
conda install python=3.7
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterhub jupyterlab nodejs nb_conda_kernels
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start jupyterhub
sudo systemctl enable jupyterhub
JupyterHub login page
JupyterHub login page
Jupyter (Classic)
Jupyter (Classic)
Image for post
Jupyter (Lab)
JupyterHub control panel
JupyterHub control panel



Python is our primary language at WhiteBox.

  • Python environments, including native conda support.
  • Debugger.
  • Docker integration.
  • Git integration.
  • Scientific mode (pandas DataFrame and NumPy arrays inspection).
PyCharm Professional
PyCharm Professional
  • Jupyter: if you have doubts about when you should be using Jupyter or PyCharm and call yourself a Data <whatever>, please attend one of the bootcamps we teach asap.
sudo snap install pycharm-community --classic


Scala is a language we use for Big Data projects with native Spark, although we are shifting to PySpark.

sudo snap install intellij-idea-community --classic

Big Data

Okay, you are not going to really do Big Data in your laptop. In case you are in a Big Data project, your company or client is going to provide you with a proper Hadoop cluster.

conda install pyspark openjdk
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder. \
appName('your_app_name'). \
config('spark.sql.session.timeZone', 'UTC'). \
config('spark.driver.memory', '16G'). \
config('spark.driver.maxResultSize', '2G'). \
  • Modin: replicates pandas API with support for multi-core and out-of-core computations. It is specially useful when you are working in a powerful analytics server with lots of cores (32, 64) and want to use pandas. As per-core performance is usually poor, Modin will allow you to speed your computation.

Database Tools

Sometimes you need a tool able to connect with a variety of different DB technologies, make queries and explore data. Our choice is DBeaver:

DBeaver Community
DBeaver Community
  • Advanced networking requirements to connect, like SSH tunnels and more.
sudo snap install dbeaver-ce


Other specific tools and apps that are important for us are:

  • Slack: sudo snap install slack --classic.
  • Telegram Desktop: sudo snap install telegram-desktop.
  • Nextcloud: sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop nautilus-nextcloud.
  • Thunderbird Mail: installed by default.
  • Zoom: download manually from here.
  • Google Chrome: download manually from here.

Data Mining, Data Science

Extracting Data from PDF File Using Python and R

Demonstration of parsing PDF files using Python & R API

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Data is key for any analysis in data science, be it inferential analysis, predictive analysis, or prescriptive analysis. The predictive power of a model depends on the quality of the data that was used in building the model. Data comes in different forms such as text, table, image, voice or video. Most often, data that is used for analysis has to be mined, processed and transformed to render it to a form suitable for further analysis.

The most common type of dataset used in most of the analysis is clean data that is stored in a comma-separated value (csv) table. However because a portable document format (pdf) file is one of the most used file formats, every data scientist should understand how to extract data from a pdf file and transform the data into a format such as “csv” that can then be used for analysis or model building.

Copying data from a pdf file line by line is too tedious and can often lead to corruption due to human errors during the process. It is therefore extremely important to understand how to import data from a pdf in an efficient and error-free manner.

In this article, we shall focus on extracting a data table from a pdf file. A similar analysis can be made for extracting other types of data such as text or an image from a pdf file. This article focuses on extracting numerical data from a pdf file. For extraction of images from a pdf file, python has a package called minecart that can be used for extracting images, text, and shapes from pdfs.

We illustrate how a data table can be extracted from a pdf file and then transformed into a format appropriate for further analysis and model building. We shall present two examples, one using Python, and the other using R. This article will consider the following:

  1. Extract a data table from a pdf file.

Example 1: Extract a Table from PDF File Using Python

Let us suppose we would like to extract the table below from a pdf file.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

a) Copy and past table to Excel and save the file as table_1_raw.csv

Data is stored in one-dimensional format and has to be reshaped, cleaned, and transformed.

b) Import necessary libraries

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

c) Import raw data and reshape the data

df=pd.read_csv("table_1_raw.csv", header=None)df.values.shapedf2=pd.DataFrame(df.values.reshape(25,10))column_names=df2[0:1].values[0]df3=df2[1:]df3.columns = df2[0:1].values[0]df3.head()
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d) Perform data wrangling using string processing tools

We notice from the table above that columns x5, x6, and x7 are expressed in percentages, so we need to get rid of the percent (%) symbol:

df4['x5']=list(map(lambda x: x[:-1], df4['x5'].values))df4['x6']=list(map(lambda x: x[:-1], df4['x6'].values))df4['x7']=list(map(lambda x: x[:-1], df4['x7'].values))

e) Convert data to numeric form

We note that column values for columns x5, x6, and x7 have data types of string, so we need to convert these to numeric data as follows:

df4['x5']=[float(x) for x in df4['x5'].values]df4['x6']=[float(x) for x in df4['x6'].values]df4['x7']=[float(x) for x in df4['x7'].values]

f) View final form of the transformed data

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g) Export final data to a csv file


Example 2: Extract a Table From PDF File Using R

This example illustrates how to extract a table from a pdf file using data wrangling techniques in R. Let us suppose we have the following table from a pdf file name trade_report.pdf:

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

We would like to extract the table, wrangle the data, and convert it to a data frame table ready for further analysis. The final data table can then be easily exported and stored in a “csv” file. In particular, we would like to accomplish the following:

i) On the column Product, we would like to get rid of USD from the product ETC-USD.

ii) Split the Date column into two separate columns, namely, date and time.

iii) Remove USD from columns Fee and Total.

The dataset and code for this example can be downloaded from this repository:

a) Import necessary libraries


b) Extract table and convert into the text file

# define file pathpdf_file <- file.path("C:\\Users\\btayo\\Desktop\\TRADE", "trade_report.pdf")# convert pdf file to text (txt) filetext <- pdf_text(pdf_file)

c) Wrangle the data to clean and organize it using string processing tools

tab <- str_split(text, "\n")[[1]][6:31]tab[1] <- tab[1]%>%str_replace("\\.","")
col_names <- str_replace_all(tab[1],"\\s+"," ")
%>%str_replace(" ", "")
%>%str_split(" ")
col_names <- col_names[-3]col_names[2] <- "Trade_id"col_names <- append(col_names, "Time", 5)col_names <- append(col_names,"sign",9)length(col_names)==11tab <- tab[-1]dat <- data.frame(
x=tab%>%str_replace_all("\\s+"," ")
%>%str_replace(" ",""),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data <- dat%>%separate(x,col_names,sep=" ")data<-data%>%mutate(total=paste(data$sign,data$Total,sep=""))
names(data)<- names(data)%>%tolower()data$product <- data$product%>%str_replace("-$","")

d) View final form of the transformed data

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The dataset and code, for Example 2 can be downloaded from this repository:

In summary, we’ve shown how a data table can be extracted from a pdf file. Since a pdf file is a very common file type, every data scientist should be familiar with techniques for extracting and transforming data stored in a pdf file.

Advanced Python: Itertools Library — The Gem Of Python Language

Explaining The Features Of The Must-Know Amazing Python Library

May 20 · 9 min read

Did you know that the Python Itertools library is regarded as the Gem of Python?

Some users even consider it to be one of the coolest and most amazing Python libraries.

We can use the Itertools module to enrich our applications and create a solid working solution in a shorter time.

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Photo by Ilze Lucero on Unsplash

The article will help the readers understand how we can use the Itertools module in our projects.

This is an advanced level topic for Python developers and I recommend it to everyone who is/or intends in using the Python programming language.

If you want to understand the Python programming language from the beginner to an advanced level then I highly recommend the article below:

Article Aim

This article will provide an overview of the Itertools library.

I have divided the article into three parts whereby each part will explain a specific functionality of the Itertools library.

In particular, I will be explaining:

  1. Infinite Iterators
  2. Terminating Iterators
  3. Combinatoric Iterators

We can use the Itertools library to implement precise, memory efficient and stable applications in a shorter time.

This article is based on the itertools version 2.3 and Python 3.8

In your Python code, import the itertools library

import itertools as it
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Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

Quick Note: What Is An Iterator?

An iterator is an object with a __next__ method. It has a state. The state is used to remember the execution during iteration. Therefore an iterator knows about its current state and this makes it memory efficient. This is the reason why an iterator is used in memory efficient and fast applications.

We can open an infinite stream of data (such as reading a file) and get the next item (such as the next line from the file). We can then perform an action on the item and proceed to the next item. This could mean that we can have an iterator that returns an infinite number of elements as we only need to be aware of the current item.

It has a __next__ method that returns the next value in the iteration and then updates the state to point to the next item. The iterator will always get us the next item from the stream when we execute next(iterator)

When there is no next item to be returned, the iterator raises a StopIteration exception.

As a result, a lean application can be implemented by using iterators

Note, collections such as a list, string, file lines, dictionary, tuples, etc. are all iterators.

Quick Note: What Is An Iterable?

An iterable is an object that can return an iterator. It has an __iter__ method that returns an iterator.

An iterable is an object which we can loop over and can call iter() on. It has a __getitem__ method that can take sequential indexes starting from zero (and raises an IndexError when the indexes are no longer valid).

Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

What Is Itertools?

Itertools is a Python module that is part of the Python 3 standard libraries. It lets us perform memory and computation efficient tasks on iterators. It is inspired by constructs from APL, Haskell, and SML.

Essentially, the module contains a number of fast and memory-efficient methods that can help us build applications succinctly and efficiently in pure Python.

Python’s Itertool is a module that provides various functions that work on iterators to produce iterators. It allows us to perform iterator algebra.

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Photo by Gabby Conde on Unsplash

The most important point to take is that the itertools functions can return an iterator.

This brings us to the core of the article. Let’s understand how infinite iterators work.

1. Infinite Iterators

What if we want to construct an iterator that returns an infinite evenly spaced values? Or, what if we have to generate a cycle of elements from an iterator? Or, maybe we want to repeat the elements of an iterator?

The itertools library offers a set of functions which we can use to perform all of the required functionality.

The three functions listed in this section construct and return iterators which can be a stream of infinite items.


As an instance, we can generate an infinite sequence of evenly spaced values:

start = 10
stop = 1
my_counter = it.count(start, stop)
for i in my_counter:
# this loop will run for ever

This will print never-ending items e.g.



We can use the cycle method to generate an infinite cycle of elements from the input.

The input of the method needs to be an iterable such as a list or a string or a dictionary, etc.

my_cycle = it.cycle('Python')
for i in my_cycle:

This will print never-ending items:



To repeat an item (such as a string or a collection), we can use the repeat() function:

to_repeat = 'FM'
how_many_times = 4
my_repeater = it.repeat(to_repeat, how_many_times)
for i in my_repeater:

This will repeat the string ‘FM’ 4 times. If we do not provide the second parameter then it will repeat the string infinite times.

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Photo by wu yi on Unsplash

2. Terminating Iterators

This brings us to the next section of the topic.

In this section, I will illustrate the powerful features of terminating iterations. These functions can be used for a number of reasons, such as:

  • We might have a number of iterables and we want to perform an action on the elements of all of the iterables one by one in a single sequence.
  • Or when we have a number of functions which we want to perform on every single element of an iterable
  • Or sometimes we want to drop elements from the iterable as long as the predicate is true and then perform an action on the other elements.


This method lets us create an iterator that returns elements from all of the input iterables in a sequence until there are no elements left. Hence, it can treat consecutive sequences as a single sequence.

chain = it.chain([1,2,3], ['a','b','c'], ['End'])
for i in chain:

This will print:


Drop While

We can pass an iterable along with a condition and this method will start evaluating the condition on each of the elements until the condition returns False for an element. As soon as the condition evaluates to False for an element, this function will then return the rest of the elements of the iterable.

As an example, assume that we have a list of jobs and we want to iterate over the elements and only return the elements as soon as a condition is not met. Once the condition evaluates to False, our expectation is to return the rest of the elements of the iterator.

jobs = ['job1', 'job2', 'job3', 'job10', 'job4', 'job5']
dropwhile = it.dropwhile(lambda x : len(x)==4, jobs)
for i in dropwhile:

This method will return:


The method returned the three items above because the length of the element job10 is not equal to 4 characters and therefore job10 and the rest of the elements are returned.

The input condition and the iterable can be complex objects too.

Take While

This method is the opposite of the dropwhile() method. Essentially, it returns all of the elements of an iterable until the first condition returns False and then it does not return any other element.

As an example, assume that we have a list of jobs and we want to stop returning the jobs as soon as a condition is not met.

jobs = ['job1', 'job2', 'job3', 'job10', 'job4', 'job5']
takewhile = it.takewhile(lambda x : len(x)==4, jobs)
for i in takewhile:

This method will return:


This is because the length of ‘job10’ is not equal to 4 characters.


This function constructs an iterator after grouping the consecutive elements of an iterable. The function returns an iterator of key, value pairs where the key is the group key and the value is the collection of the consecutive elements that have been grouped by the key.

Consider this snippet of code:

my_groupby = it.groupby(iterable)
for key, group in my_groupby:
print('Key:', key)
print('Group:', list(group))

Note, the group property is an iterable and therefore I materialised it to a list.

As a result, this will print:

Key: F
Group: [‘F’, ‘F’, ‘F’]
Key: A
Group: [‘A’, ‘A’]
Key: R
Group: [‘R’, ‘R’]
Key: H
Group: [‘H’, ‘H’, ‘H’]
Key: A
Group: [‘A’, ‘A’]
Key: D
Group: [‘D’, ‘D’]
Key: M
Group: [‘M’, ‘M’]
Key: A
Group: [‘A’, ‘A’, ‘A’]
Key: L
Group: [‘L’, ‘L’]
Key: I
Group: [‘I’, ‘I’]
Key: K
Group: [‘K’, ‘K’, ‘K’]

We can also pass in a key function as the second argument if we want to group by a complex logic.


This method can split an iterable and generate new iterables from the input. The output is also an iterator that returns the iterable for the given number of items. To understand it better, review the snippet below:

iterable = 'FM'
tee = it.tee(iterable, 5)
for i in tee:

This method returned the entire iterable FM, 5 times:

[‘F’, ‘M’]
[‘F’, ‘M’]
[‘F’, ‘M’]
[‘F’, ‘M’]
[‘F’, ‘M’]

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Photo by Gabby Conde on Unsplash

3. Combinatoric Iterators

In this section of the article, I will explain the two methods which I recommend all of the Python programmers to have a solid understanding of.


We can create an iterator that returns successive permutations of elements in the input iterable by using the permutations method.

We can pass in an argument to specify the length of the permutations. It is defaulted to the length of the iterable.

This implies that when the length is missing then the method would generate all possible full-length permutations.

iterable = 'FM1'length = 2
permutations = it.permutations(iterable, length)
for i in permutations:

This will print:

(‘F’, ‘M’, ‘1’)
(‘F’, ‘1’, ‘M’)
(‘M’, ‘F’, ‘1’)
(‘M’, ‘1’, ‘F’)
(‘1’, ‘F’, ‘M’)
(‘1’, ‘M’, ‘F’)

If the length is 2 then it would genereate:

(‘F’, ‘M’)
(‘F’, ‘1’)
(‘M’, ‘F’)
(‘M’, ‘1’)
(‘1’, ‘F’)
(‘1’, ‘M’)
(‘F’, ‘M’)
(‘F’, ‘1’)
(‘M’, ‘1’)


Finally, I wanted to provide an explanation of how we can generate combinations of an iterable.

Given an iterable, we can construct an iterator to return sub-sequences of elements of a given length.

The elements are treated as unique based on their position and only the distinct elements are returned.

iterable = 'FM1'
combinations = it.combinations(iterable, 2)
for i in combinations:

This will print:

(‘F’, ‘M’)
(‘F’, ‘1’)
(‘M’, ‘1’)

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Photo by Ilze Lucero on Unsplash


This article explained the uses of the Itertools library. In particular, it explained:

  1. Infinite Iterators
  2. Terminating Iterators
  3. Combinatoric Iterators

The itertools methods can be used in combination to serve a powerful set of functionality in our applications. We can use the Itertools library to implement precise, memory efficient and stable applications in a shorter time.

I recommend potentially evaluating our applications to assess whether we can use the Itertools library.

For more detailed information, please visit the Python official documentation here

Data Science, Data Visualization

Data Visualisation using Pandas and Plotly

Apr 23 · 6 min read
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Source — Dribbble

Let us imagine you are trying to convince a client to invest in your company. You exhibit all the employee’s records and their achievements in the form of an excel sheet rather than a bar chart or a pie chart. Imagine yourself in the client’s place. How would you react then? (Wouldn’t too much data be so overwhelming?). This is where data visualization comes into the picture.

Data visualization is the practice of translating raw data into visual plots and graphs to make it easier for the human brain to interpret. The primary objective is to make the research and data analysis quicker and also to communicate the trends, patterns effectively.

The human brain is programmed to understand visually appealing data better than lengthy plain texts.

In this article, Let us take a dataset, clean the data as per requirement, and try visualizing the data. The dataset is taken from Kaggle. You can find it here.

Firstly, to load the data from external sources and clean it, we will be using the Pandas library. You can study more about Pandas in my previous article here.

We need to import the Pandas library in-order to use it. We can import it by using it.

import pandas as pd

Let us load the CSV file taken from Kaggle and try to know more about it.

We can understand that the dataset has 9 columns in total. The Date and Time column indicate the last updated date and time. We are not going to use the ConfirmedIndianNational and ConfirmedForeignNational columns. Hence let us drop these 2 columns. The Time column is also immaterial. Let us drop it too. Since the Data Frame already has an index, the Serial No(Sno) column is also not required.

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Right away, we can see that the data frame has only 5 columns. It is a good practice to drop redundant data because retaining it will take up unneeded space and potentially bog down runtime.

Here the Kaggle dataset is updated daily. New data is appended instead of overwriting the existing data. For instance, on April 13th dataset has 925 rows with each row representing the cumulative data of one particular state. But on April 14th, the dataset had 958 rows, which means 34 new rows(Since there are a total of 34 different states in the dataset) were appended on April 14th.

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In the above picture, you can notice the same State names, but try to observe the changes in other columns. Data about new cases are appended to the dataset every day. This form of data can be useful to know the spread trends. Like-

  1. The increment in the number of cases across time.
  2. Performing time series analysis

But we are interested in analyzing only the latest data leaving aside the previous data. Hence let us drop those rows which are not required.

Firstly, let us sort the data by date in descending order. And get rid of the duplicate values by grouping data using state name.

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You can see that the df_states data frame has only 30 rows, which means there is a unique row showing the latest stats for each state. When we sort the data frame using the date column, we will have data frame sorted according to dates in descending order(observe that ascending=False in code) and remove_duplicates stores the first occurrence of value and removes all its duplicate occurrences.

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Let us now talk about data visualization. We will use Plotly to visualize the above data frame.

Histograms, Barplots, Scatter plots explain patterns and trends efficiently, but since we are dealing with geographical data, I prefer choropleth maps.

What are Choropleth maps?

According to Plotly, Choropleth maps depict divided geographical regions that are colored or shaded with respect to a data variable. These maps offer a quick and easy way to show value over a geographical area, unveiling trends and patterns too.

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Source — Youtube

In the above image, areas are colored based on their population density. Darker the color implies higher the population in that particular area. Now with respect to our dataset, we are also going to create a choropleth map based on Confirmed cases. More the number of confirmed cases, darker the color of that particular region.

To render an Indian map, we need a shapefile with the state coordinates. We can download the shapefile for India here.

According to Wikipedia, The shapefile format is a geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS).

Before working with shapefiles, we need to install GeoPandas, which is a python package that makes work with geospatial data easy.

pip install geopandas
import geopandas as gpd
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You can see that the data frame has a State name and its coordinates in vector form. Now we will convert this shapefile into the required JSON format.

import json#Read data to json.merged_json = json.loads(map_df.to_json())

Next, we are going to create Choropleth Maps using Plotly Express.’ px.choropleth function. Making choropleth maps requires geometric information.

  1. This can either be a supplied in the GeoJSON format(which we created above) where each feature has a unique identifying value (like st_nm in our case)

2. Existing geometries within Plotly that include the US states and world countries

The GeoJSON data, i.e. (the merged_json we create above) is passed to the geojson argument and the metric of measurement is passed into the color argument of px.choropleth.

Every choropleth map has a locations argument that takes the State/Country as a parameter. Since we are creating a choropleth map for different states in India, we pass the State column to the argument.

fig = px.choropleth(df_states, 
color_continuous_scale = ["#ffffb2","#fecc5c","#fd8d3c","#f03b20","#bd0026"],
fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False)fig.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0})

The first parameter is the data frame itself, and the color is going to vary based on the Confirmed value. We set the visible argument in fig.updtae_geos() to False to hide the base map and frame. We also set fitbounds = "locations" to automatically zoom the world map to show our areas of interest.

Image for post
We can hover across states to know more about them.

You can view the full code on Github here.

Data Visualization is an art that is highly underestimated. Hopefully, you have taken some concepts that will help when visualizing data in real-time. Do feel free to share your feedback and responses. Raise your hands if you’ve learned something new today.

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