Data Science and Data Proicessing

Data Science, Machine Learning

ROCKET: Fast and Accurate Time Series Classification

State-of-the-art algorithm for time series classification with python

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors at pixabay
  • Explain how ROCKET works
  • Provide a python code example

What are the alternatives?

Other methods for time series classification usually rely on specific representations of series, such as shape, frequency, or variance. The convolutional kernels of ROCKET replace this engineered feature extraction with a single mechanism that can capture many of the same features.

Survey of time series classification

Time series transformation is a foundational idea of time series classification. Many time-series specific algorithms are compositions of transformed time series and conventional classification algorithms, such as those in scikit-learn.

Competing SOTA methods

The following methods strive to improve upon the speed and accuracy of the algorithms described in the Survey above.

  • TS-CHIEF extends Proximity Forest by using dictionary-based and interval-based splitting criteria.
  • InceptionTime is an ensemble of 5 deep CNN’s based on the Inception architecture.
  • Mr-SEQL applies a linear classifier to features extracted by symbolic representations of time series (SAX, SFA).
  • cBOSS, or contractable BOSS, is a dictionary-based classifier based on the SFA transform.
  • catch22 is a set of 22 pre-selected time series transformations that can be passed to a classifier.

How does ROCKET work?

ROCKET first transforms a time series using convolutional kernels and second passes the transformed data to a linear classifier.

Convolutional Kernels

The convolutional kernels, the same as those found in convolutional neural networks, are initialized with random length, weights, bias, dilation, and padding. See the paper for how the random parameters are sampled — they are part of ROCKET and the sampling does not need to be tuned. The stride is always one. ROCKET does not apply non-linear transforms, such as ReLU, on the resulting features.

The Convolutional Kernel Transform

Each kernel is convolved with each time series to produce a feature map. The kernel’s feature map is aggregated to produce two features per kernel: the maximum value and proportion of positive values.

Image for post
zi is the output of the convolution operation

Linear Classification

For smaller datasets, the authors recommend a ridge regression classifier due to fast cross-validation of the regularization parameter and no other hyperparameters.

How to use ROCKET with Python?

The ROCKET transform is implemented in the sktime python package.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeClassifierCV
from sktime.datasets import load_arrow_head # univariate dataset
from sktime.transformers.series_as_features.rocket import Rocket
X_train, y_train = load_arrow_head(split="test", return_X_y=True)
X_test, y_test = load_arrow_head(split="train", return_X_y=True)
print(X_train.shape, X_test.shape)
>> (175, 1) (36, 1)
Image for post
rocket = Rocket(num_kernels=10,000, random_state=111)
X_train_transform = rocket.transform(X_train)
>> (175, 20000)
classifier = RidgeClassifierCV(alphas=np.logspace(-3, 3, 10), normalize=True), y_train)
X_test_transform = rocket.transform(X_test)
classifier.score(X_test_transform, y_test)
>> 0.9167


Dempster, A., Petitjean, F. & Webb, G.I. ROCKET: exceptionally fast and accurate time series classification using random convolutional kernels. Data Min Knowl Disc 34, 1454–1495 (2020).

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